
How to manage your endpoints

Every API will have a group of endpoints that your users will have access to.

With Archetype you can create, modify or delete endpoint access privileges on the platform or with our REST API.

You'll be able to define and display your endpoints on your page with our embeddable Definitions SDK .

By default, any endpoint that is in your domain and not registered will allow full unrestricted access even to those who DON'T have a valid API key. This way all your endpoints are safely still accessible.

Once you do add an endpoint to the Endpoint Page, it'll automatically be tied to Archetype's authorization protocol and count against user's quota.

Once you select Add New Endpoint you get taken to the edit endpoint page. Here you enter the

  • Name: Name of the endpoint
  • Description: Description of what the endpoint does
  • Methods: Methods that your endpoint works with
  • Path: The path to the endpoint. You don't need the full url to the endpoint, only the path For example:
    * uselantern.com/api/v1/companies/AAPL is entered as /api/v1/companies/AAPL

Then click Create to actually register that endpoint.

Right now all endpoints are valued at 1 API call for each query but we'll soon be allowing dynamic endpoint values